


1. Study the feasibility of creating a video game that you can only win if you master and use Hubs & Routes tools and if you help people save lives, not end lives.

2. If it looks doable, propose the next steps.

3.  Suggest other ways to get young people interested in Hubs & Routes.

4. Negotiate with Jennifer about content, policies and funding, and with Rick about cartography and design, to make win-win plans.



1.     Recieves printed maps from Director of Cartography and Design.

2.     Distributes them to Public Hubs, selected Private Hubs, donors, selected families in need, and retailers, handling funds and paperwork per protocol.

3.     Suggests possible updates to protocol for discussion with Directors.

4.     Participates in events as specialist in map distribution, teacher of map reading, and coach of map appreciation and map games.



 1.     Convene leaders on each Island, including that Island's Public Hub and 911 Leaders and the leaders of any pertinent jurisdictions.

2.     Help them use de-identified data to determine gaps in readiness.

3.     Help them create plans to fill those gaps.

4.     Understand statistics.

5.     Somewhat standardize Hub resources so that we know where to look if we get

stranded somewhere other than our closest Hub, yet want to help and have to move quickly.

6.     Participate in Island events as Host, MC, Moderator, Coach.

7.     Participate in other events as inviter, welcomer, contact person and buddy for

leaders of jurisdictions who attend and are not also 911 or Public Hub Leaders.



1.     Build relationships with private landowners, State Parks, and tribes.

2.     Improve signage that increases public safety.

3.     Pursue insurance and legal consultation, perhaps from UC Berkeley Legal Clinic, regarding developing the legal concept of "emergency easements."

4.     Organize "hike and bike days" and

5.     "beach and tsunami trail days."

6.     With the Director of Cartography and Design and Map Distribution Specialist, teach map-reading skills to the public.

7.     Participate in events as inviter, welcomer, contact person and buddy for landowners who attend.

8.     If so requested by entities that qualify for (government) grants large enough to repair or improve roads, provide expert consultation about which road improvements would have the greatest impact.




1.     With Map Distribution Team, works to boost map sales.

2.     With Project Director, identifies applicable grants, validates eligibility with grantor, and if appropriate, writes application.

3.     With Project Director, strategizes and creates donor campaigns.

4.     Handles donations made according to fiscal sponsor protocol.

5.     Builds relationships with donors.

6.     Participates in events as inviters, welcomers, contact persons and buddies for donors who attend.



1.     Build, sustain, learn from and inform relationships with organizations that are involved in emergency preparedness and climate readiness but are not themselves Public Hubs, such as CERT, Red Cross, UVA, COAD, VOAD, County of Mendocino, Emergency Food Network, landrace projects, State Coastal Commission, Victory Gardens for Peace, etc. Notice and report opportunities for collaboration, including ways in which Hubs & Routes tools and principles can be incorporated to make others' work easier or more effective.

2.     Participate in events as inviters, welcomers, contact people and buddies for 911 Leaders and other prep leaders who attend. 



1.     Inspires, invites, trains and organizes volunteers to assist with events, fundraising and other tasks--sufficient help so that Project Director can "Float" at events. This includes 2-6.

2.     Keeps track of, and submits, liability waivers, photo waivers, and proof of certification to work with special populations when applicable.

3.     Keeps records of each volunteer's training, disaster history, preferences, skills and growth curve.

4.     Assists volunteers to connect with one another as friends and to expand their attention spans before working with the public.

5.     Expresses gratitude for volunteers' help in ways that are meaningful and helpful to them. (This can include hosting Volunteer Appreciation Days such as that held 1/13/24 at CCM, which went well.)

6.     Participates in events as the trainer and supervisor of all those who volunteer to help (without pay) to produce events, staff events, and clean up after events.



1. Supports leaders of businesses, non-profits and other groups to perform the functions of Public Hub Leaders.

2. Supports Fire Chiefs and other first responders to use Hubs & Routes tools in their work.

3. Supports individual households to perform the functions of Private Hubs.

4. Has members who are conversant in English & Spanish.

5. Maintains accurate Hub database with assistance of Directors. This includes tasks 6 through 13.


6. Invites the public to form Hubs and makes it easy, enjoyable and meaningful to do so.

7. Checks, provides and updates passwords.

8. Trains and re-trains 911 and Public Hub Leaders how, when and why to use Leaders' Maps.

9. Invites new Public Hubs to communicate with Director of Cartography & Design to plan their message boards and displays.

10. Asks existing Hubs to review and update their offerings.

11. Organizes events--often in collaboration with Public Hubs--to raise awareness, strengthen ties between Island-mates, promote signups and renewals, discuss and heal from prior disasters, and practice the use of Hubs & Routes tools in future (simulated) disasters

12. Uploads Hub data into, and deleting Hub data from, website per protocol (so must have strong understanding of HIPAA).

13. Participates in events as an educator, warm welcomer, listener, and specialist in the guest and learner experience.



1.     Carries out policies of Project and of Fiscal Sponsor, maintains well-organized records and runs day-to-day operations. This includes 2-8.

2.     Keeps track of promises made and kept, including contracts and to-do list.

3.      Does bookkeeping, including keeping track of receipts, knowing what has been

submitted to fiscal sponsor and what has been paid.

4.     Understands fiscal sponsor's preferences and uses fiscal sponsor's forms as intended.

5.     Keeps copies of grant documents, contracts, press releases, agendas, calendars etc.

6.     Assists with preparation of job descriptions, paychecks, press releases etc. even though

Project Director has final sign-off.

7.     Assists Fundraising Specialist in preparing grant applications and reports even though

Project Director has final sign-off.

8.     Assists with translation and proof-reading for maps and displays even though

Director of Cartography and Design has final sign-off.

9.     Participates in events as a major planner and organizer.



Director of Cartography and Design Rick Hemmings

or perhaps in future a CARTOGRAPHY AND DESIGN Team

1. Guides Project's maps, website, educational materials, exhibits, and design-related policies to reflect:

a.  the beauty of the Mendocino Coast

b.  the elegance of mutual aid and of win-win solutions

c.  the importance of, and the Project's respect for, each viewer

d.  the educational and life-saving intentions of each map.


2. Keeps Project website functional, clear and reassuringly recognizable even as software platforms evolve.


3. Supervises and mentors apprentices studying Cartography, Design, and each of the platforms used by Project to create maps, website, educational materials, and exhibits.


4. Mentors these teams:

            a. Map Distribution Team

            b. Youth Outreach Team (Hubs & Routes video game development)

            c. Route Outreach Team, with help of Project Director if needed/possible

            d. Prep Outreach Team, with help of Project Director if needed/possible


5. Participates in events by creating and displaying maps and educational exhibits, demonstrating map-reading and related skills, and answering geographical questions.


6. Provides an outside perspective and non-binding constructive feedback to Project Director on topics outside cartography and design.


Project Director Jennifer Kreger

or perhaps in future a PROJECT DIRECTION TEAM


1. Guides Project's policies, activities and communications into alignment with:

a.     Project's goal

b.     Hubs & Routes' 8 Principles

c.     Fiscal Sponsor's goal and policies

d.     grantors' goals and grant-based expectations

e.     what is needed as circumstances change


2. Supervises and mentors apprentices, volunteers and employees in these teams:

            a. Hub Outreach

            b. Fundraising

            c. Office Coordination

            d. Volunteer Coordination

            e. Island Convener


3. Assists Director of Cartography and Design, when necessary and able, in supervising and mentoring these teams:

            a. Prep Outreach

            b. Route Outreach

            c. Youth Outreach

            d. Map Distribution


4. Participates in events as one of the media spokespersons, as a "float," shill, and supervisor,

and by setting a tone. Avoids being the only staff at any particular station so that extra attention can be paid exactly where it is most needed at each moment.


5. After accepting input, sets priorities for budget, grants, team evolution and publicity.


6. Provides an outside perspective and non-binding constructive feedback to Director of Cartography and Design on topics related to cartography and design.