
Welcome To Alternate Routes Maps

Hubs & Routes has published a paper version of the alternate routes map pictured below. The two-sided water-resistant paper map is 32” x 36” opened and 6” x 10” folded. Each map comes in a transparent ziplock, ready for your go-bag. Folded and unfolded wall maps are available at the following North Coast Locations.

We recommend having a paper map available when online resources may not be.

Do not use the Mendocino Coast Readiness Maps to go against an order from the Sheriff’s Office or Fire Department. They know things you cannot see from the ground, like which way a fire is spreading or how many emergencies are occurring at once.

Please follow the instructions of emergency alerts. To receive alerts, visit to sign up for Nixle and MendoAlerts. You can download Everbridge, Watch Duty, and MyShake from the App Store.

The Mendocino Coast Readiness Maps can be extremely useful when no alerts nor 911 help are available.

Click on left or right image to view the Mendocino Coast Readiness Maps in detail.

download the Avenza app & view geo-referenced maps on your smartphone with your current location always visible.

Please note, the georeferenced alternate routes maps do not include the reverse side of the readiness map above and do not contain the latest route updates.

Hubs & Routes maps imply no warranty of any kind. See full disclaimer and recommendations here.