


1. Map sales

            While all our maps are available on our website for free download, and while many are available on Avenza apps for free or low-cost purchase, we also sell paper Readiness maps. We sell them to wholesalers who then sell them to the public. Please tell the Map Distribution Team if you have a resale license and want to buy some wholesale.

2. Individual donations

            Anyone can use the donation button on our  website to make a donation of any size at any time. 

             We can select Social Good Fund as our charity of choice when facebook asks any of us whether we want to do a "birthday fundraiser." It is important to notify the Office Coordination Team if we do this; otherwise the money will go into the SGF general fund rather than into their Hubs & Routes account.

            At events, when we have Readiness Maps with us, people who make donations of a certain size can be offered a Readiness Map as a thank-you gift.

3. Grants

            Hubs & Routes has received grants from Community Foundation of Mendocino County. We have applied to other grantors as well, and will continue to seek grantors whose goals are the most similar to ours. Please tell the Fundraising Team if you hear of people or foundations who want to support innovative, collaborative, geographically-aware approaches to emergency preparation.