

Hubs and Routes maps and databases are not completely reliable representations of Coastal Mendocino County, of the standard and alternate routes of travel through the Coastal area, nor of the resources available at any particular Hub at any particular moment in time.  

They can’t be.

We are in a time of rapid changes in weather, which affect road and trail conditions, and rapid changes in agriculture and supply chains, which affect the ability of Hubs to restore depleted resources. We are in a time of migrations, with many displaced people and animals on the move who may or may not arrive at a Hub before you do. We have fluctuating cell signal and internet access, limiting how quickly and easily we can update our maps. We have landowners who may change their minds about whether or not to permit people to use routes that cross their privately-owned lands.

This means that even though we try to update our maps regularly, and we encourage our Public and Private Hub leaders and landowners to communicate as clearly as possible, and we do our best to honor the privacy-level requests of our resource sharers, we are not able to offer a warranty of any kind.

If you use our maps or any excerpts of the information they contain, please use them in conjunction with your senses, with official warnings and advisories, with attempts to communicate directly with Hub Directors and landowners, and with your common sense. We are sharing the information, and Hubs are sharing resources, to help you deal with emergencies, which are hazardous in themselves.

Similarly, when you use our Hub Resource Forms, we can ask that people accept your offers graciously and assist you to help replenish your resources, but we cannot ensure that they do so.

Neither Hubs & Routes as a project of Mendocino Coast Healthcare District, nor its Co-founders, nor any of its cartographers, administrators, partners, or funders, nor any Hub, Hub Director, or Hubs & Routes volunteer, will be held responsible for any injuries, deaths, illnesses, losses, damages, suffering, or disappointments resulting from use of the tools of, or other participation in, Hubs & Routes, which is a non-profit public service project attempting to facilitate collaboration that enhances the survival and thriving of communities on the Mendocino Coast through the challenging times ahead.